Community Engagement in Higher Education (Short Training Series for Academic and Professional Staff) [Telepresencial]

The project Supporting Professionals and Academics for Community Engagement in Higher Education (SPACE) is a three-year project (2023-2026) involving 8 partners from 4 countries (Belgium, Croatia, Ireland and Spain). The SPACE Short Trainings Series explores essential topics related to the design, implementation, and integration of community-engaged practices into academic curricula. It will offer practical insights into how academics can foster meaningful partnerships with community partners, enrich student learning, and leverage international policy frameworks and funding opportunities. The training series is organised online (through Teams). Participation is free.

Each training focuses on key aspects of community engagement, from foundational principles to sustainability strategies, providing participants with the tools they need to successfully embed these approaches into their institutional contexts. The 60 minutes-sessions build on three core ingredients: an introductory keynote, presentation of cases, followed by an interactive discussion with an expert panel. The target audience includes academics, educational support staff, university management, and community partners interested in advancing community engagement in higher education. 

TRAINING 1: Community-Engaged Education: Principles, Formats, and Curricular Embedding – Date: Thursday, January 30, 2025 – 13.30-14.30 CET

This training introduces participants to the fundamental principles of community-engaged education and explores how this differs from more traditional academic education. Formats such as service-learning, participatory action research, and challenge-based learning will be examined. Participants will gain insight into the benefits and challenges of implementing these pedagogies, as well as strategies for embedding them into academic curricula. Practical examples will be showcased, allowing attendees to learn from lived experiences.

Purpose: (1) Explore key principles and philosophical foundations of Community-Engaged Education, (2) Showcase practical examples and troubleshoot common challenges. 


The upcoming scheduled sessions that will be reported in the next Newsletters are:

TRAINING 2: Community-Engaged Partnerships: Models, Ethics, and Practical Considerations – Date to be confirmed (April/May ’25)

TRAINING 3: Community-Engaged Leadership: Supportive Policies, Funding and Institutionalisation Schemes – Date to be confirmed (November/December ’25)

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