CIDUI Publication: University Teaching and Innovation. Evolution and challenges through the CIDUI

English version of the CIDUI publication: Docència Universitària i Innovació. Evolució i reptes a través dels CIDUI.

The CIDUI experience has been an unforgettable learning process for us all. At the time of writing these introductory pages, we had doubts about the topics that should be included.

Maybe the ideas and great debates about the university question and the challenges of the future, or the contributions made by its conferences to knowledge for improving teaching and innovation in our lecture halls. Maybe the complicity with our respective and successive rectorships, or the proximity and trust of faculty, which have lent full meaning to the institutional efforts made and have always filled us organisers with pride.

Or perhaps the exemplary cooperation between the members of the human team that has made it possible to hold ten conferences that have been both interuniversity and intergenerational, and have featured such diverse professional profiles, or the confidence put in us by our respective universities.

After analysing what has happened over these years, we believe that the seven issues that are discussed below are the ones that most deserve to be highlighted.

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